Sujata Gupta is the social sciences writer for Science News. She was a 2017-18 Knight Science Journalism fellow at MIT. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, Nature, Discover, NPR, Scientific American, and others. Sujata got her start in journalism at a daily newspaper in Central New York, where she covered education and small town politics. She has also worked as a National Park Ranger, completing stints at parks in Hawaii, California and Maine, and taught English in Nagano, Japan.

All Stories by Sujata Gupta

  1. air pollution in China
    Health & Medicine

    Chinese ‘tweets’ hint that happiness drops as air pollution rises

    A study of more than 210 million social media posts reveals a link between people’s sense of well-being and pollution.

  2. students taking tests

    Easing test anxiety boosts low-income students’ biology grades

    Wealthier students outperform their less advantaged peers in math and science. Decreasing test anxiety may help even the playing field.